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Airbrushed T-shirt Portrait painting of Nicole Kidman by Click here to go to Anne's Home Page Click here to see a list of all pages on Anne's site



My first recollections of art was creating leaf prints at school when I was about 10 years old. At 12 years old, I was designing floor plans for houses. (Ok, so I was a weird kid!) At 14, my mother caught me making ‘arty’ labels for my friends school books (instead of doing my history homework). I wasn’t enrolled in any art classes, and so my mother went to the school the next day and had me transferred from history class to art class. I was happy, because I wasn’t interested in Australian history. If it had been Roman, Greek or Egyptian history it might have had a chance. But art was a better choice. When I was about 15 we were introduced to portraiture during a high school art class, and I have been hooked on portraits ever since. So, I don’t make any claims of being an artist for as long as I can remember, because I can’t remember much art in my early life. I do remember reading, music, swimming, riding my bike, school, and my friends though!

For most of my life, my art has been created with either pencils, pen & ink or ball point pens and not much else.

One day while I was at a college art class, I was given an airbrush to have a play around with - for one whole hour! About 7 years later I bought my first airbrush, and after a few attempts, it got relegated to a bottom drawer of my art materials.

In 2000 I decided that it was ‘do or die’ time, to learn how to use the airbrush. After about 6 months of dots, dashes, dagger strokes and other exercises including using a wave stencil, I started trying other subjects.

Fifteen years later and I will have a go at any subject which takes my fancy, but I still have a preference for portraits.

I have realised that I am not interested in making art with only an airbrush. So, mixed media is my number one choice of play on paper and canvas. When I paint on T-shirts or fabric, I use only fabric inks and paints by applying it with an airbrush, paint brushes and other tools.

For more information on what items I use to create my art with, visit my Tools and Techniques page.

I live in a small country town in the Southern Flinders Ranges of South Australia.

So, art is my hobby and website building is a necessary evil I have to do!


116 Patricia Tallman

Ballpoint Pen Portrait Drawing on Paper

362 Lynx

Pen & Ink Animal Drawing on Paper

816 Ashley Olsen

Pencil Portrait Drawing on Paper

798 Britney Spears

Acrylic Ink Portrait Painting on White Poster Board

700 Ryan & Melissa

Textile Ink Portrait Painting on a T-shirt

662 Akhenaten

Textile Ink Portrait Painting  of Egyptian Statue on a T-shirt

Ballpoint pen drawing of Leeta from Babylon Five Pen & Ink drawing of a Lynx Cub Ashley Olsen Pencil portrait drawing on paper Britney Spears Acrylic Ink airbrushed portrait painting on white poster board TV show The OC's Ryan & Melissa Textile Ink airbrushed portrait painting on a T-shirt Akhenaten Textile Ink Airbrushed Portrait Painting of an Egyptian Statue on a T-shirt